The Natural Wonder Called Aloe Vera

The importance of Aloe Vera lies in its therapeutic and healing properties. For these reasons, the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, and Chinese used the plant for medicinal purposes. In Ayurveda, Aloe Vera is included in the 50 most healing plants. So, what makes Aloe Vera so potent? Aloe Vera is rich in more than 75 essential elements such as Vitamins (A, B, C, and E) and Minerals (Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Germanium, Chromium, Selenium, Copper, Potassium, Phosphorous, and Manganese). Aloe Vera is also rich in Amino acids; both essential and non-essential types. Furthermore, it contains anthraquinones with laxative, anti-cancer, and antimicrobial properties. Monosaccharides such as glucose, galactose, and xylose, and Polysaccharides such as galactan, glucomannan, and acemannan are also present in Aloe Vera.

Aloe Vera belongs to the family of lilies and is characterized by having fleshy and enlarged leaves with thorns. Aloe Vera is often confused with cactus. It is widely available in Asia, Southern Europe, Africa, and South America. However, it can grow anywhere and doesn’t require any special conditions for its cultivation. Being an affordable and low-maintenance plant with lots of medicinal properties, Aloe Vera is widely regarded as one of the most curative and accessible plants on the earth. 

Aloe Vera is called ‘Ghrita-Kumari’ in Sanskrit, which means ‘Young Girl’. According to the Vedas, Aloe Vera provides women youth and has a regenerating effect on them. Four out of six Ayurvedic tastes – bitter, sweet, spicy, and stiff are associated with Aloe Vera. However, the bitter taste is the most prominent and valuable. 

Benefits of Aloe Vera

1. An excellent laxative

Aloe Vera has excellent laxative properties, making it suitable for people suffering from constipation. Furthermore, Aloe Vera’s cooling property helps benefit people suffering from burning and painful hemorrhoids.

2. Strengthens the immune system

Aloe Vera is a reliable immune simulator and helps fight chronic immune diseases such as fibromyalgia or polysaccharides. Aloe Vera helps white blood cells and macrophages in fighting viruses. Also, various enzymes, vitamins, and minerals present in Aloe Vera facilitate the proper functioning of cells. 

3. Improves the digestive system

One of the most important benefits of Aloe Vera is that it helps in improving the digestive system. Because of its excellent anti-inflammatory effect and high concentration of enzymes, Aloe Vera is a priceless choice for people dealing with digestion-related problems. Besides helping detoxify the digestive system, Aloe Vera improves the function of the liver, the kidneys, and the gallbladder.  

4. Heals skin problems

Ayurveda recommends using Aloe Vera for treating various kinds of skin problems, such as bruises, wounds, eczema, and insect stings. Aloe Vera’s antifungal and antibacterial properties help in the increased blood flow to the affected area and therefore assist in the healing process.

5. Anti-cancer properties

Though there isn’t any evidence to indicate the positive influence of Aloe Vera in treating cancer, it can still help in treating minor burns and skin problems that may have resulted from radiotherapy treatment. Also, research indicates that Aloe Vera could be used as an effective anti-neoplastic agent for inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

6. Anti-oxidant

Powerful anti-oxidants belonging to the family of polyphenols are present in Aloe Vera, and these are highly beneficial for health. The polyphenols, along with other compounds present in Aloe Vera, help restrict the growth of bacteria that can cause infections in humans.

7. Helps in controlling diabetes

Aloe Vera helps people control their blood sugar levels without side effects. 

8. Helps in body detoxification

Aloe Vera is water-dense and therefore helps your body stay hydrated. Also, besides providing a variety of essential nutrients, Aloe Vera flushes out impurities, thereby optimizing the output of vital organs, such as the liver and kidneys. 

9. Improves sexual function

Aloe Vera helps in normalizing sexual functions in men. Women too can use Aloe Vera for dealing with various reproductive system diseases – from coping with menopause problems to monthly cycle disorders.

10. Promotes healthy hair

Aloe Vera capsules contain proteolytic enzymes that help refurbish the skin cells whilst supporting hair growth. Furthermore, Aloe Vera extract helps prevent dandruff and hair fall problems.

The approach of Aloe Vera in Cancer treatment

There is no scientific evidence of Aloe Vera being beneficial in cancer treatment. However, Aloe Vera’s approach is simple. It aims to use its therapeutic properties to help treat certain side effects that may arise from cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy/radiotherapy. It is common for people to deal with skin problems, especially after undergoing sessions of radiotherapy. Aloe Vera may help treat such skin conditions.

Role of Aloe Vera in fighting Coronavirus

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of people worldwide. The coronavirus effect has prompted many researchers to study aloe vera and its effects on treating people affected by the virus. A few of these research findings are available on Google Scholar and PubMed, which indicate that aloe vera has antiviral properties that can help deal with different types of viruses, including coronavirus. Furthermore, essential minerals like zinc have an effect on viruses. However, a lot of work in this regard is still in progress, and the result should be available in the near future. 

Why should you take Honeyline Aloe Vera?

Honeyline is a premium Ayurvedic brand that assures you the best quality Ayurvedic product at all times. The Honeyline Aloe Vera is available to you in a box form containing 120 capsules. Honeyline Aloe is different from other products available in the market because it has 40% Aloin, which is significantly higher than others in the category. Thanks to the high concentration of Aloin in the Honeyline capsules, they are beneficial in managing diabetes, boosting liver health, etc. 

How to take Aloe Vera capsules?

Honeyline Aloe Vera products come in capsule form, and they can be ingested easily using any liquids, such as water, juice, or milk. If unable to swallow the capsule, then the capsules can easily be opened, and the powdered extract in them can be dissolved in any liquid, including honey, milk, etc.
Ideally, one or two capsules can be taken twice or thrice a day. However, consulting a doctor before consuming the capsules is recommended.

Are there any side effects of taking Aloe Vera?

A majority of side effects of taking Aloe Vera are mild, and some of these include a skin rash, diarrhea, stomach pain, and the feeling of sickness. Therefore, it is better not to take Aloe Vera capsules in high doses and consult a doctor before having the capsules. 


This content is for information and educational purposes only and should not be perceived as medical advice. Please consult a certified medical or healthcare professional before making any decision regarding your health using the content above.

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